Over a number of years, Watkins Government Services LLC (WGS) provided support to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Financial Policy for a variety of tasks and initiatives.
Grants Management
WGS assisted the VA in requirements gathering to support moving the Department from a paper-based grants management structure to a fully automated grants management system. We worked with VA program offices to develop functional and system requirements for the VA grants management system and also developed functional and system requirements that would allow for the publication of grants management data.
Data Analytics
WGS supported VA’s Data Quality Services (DQS), a program designed to address government spending transparency initiatives, by collecting data from different organizations and compiling that information for submission to USAspending. WGS conducted analysis, provided technical support and recommendations to VA Leadership regarding data quality validation and reconciliation efforts.
In support of the VA’s System to Drive Performance (STDP) initiative, WGS assisted in analyzing budgetary and performance information within all VA Administrations. We also set up and managed the Program Management Office which included guidance in the selection of a business intelligence product and developing governance documents. WGS also developed and delivered a variety of dashboards used by Headquarters and the different Administrations to make decisions on programs and metrics.
WGS worked with the VA to develop the Integrated Operating Model (IOM), an enhanced management structure and integrated operating model focused on improving integration and management within and across multiple corporate support functions. WGS assisted in strategic planning, project management and administrative support.
Financial Management
Working to support Financial Process Improvement and Audit Readiness (FPIAR), WGS assisted the Office of Management in supervising external audits and internal management assessments. We researched and analyzed open obligations and conducted analysis of specific finanacial data to allow management to adequately assess VA’s overall financial health. In addition, WGS ensured conformance with modifications required by OMB Circular A-136 and developed system related procedures of VA’s legacy financial system in accordance with regulatory guidance.